Monday, January 17, 2011


Spotted these shirts after a quick Google browse.

I use to watch this show like CRAAAAZY! Gonna write a bit about it later on in my other blog. The red one is wicked.

She was jus too cool. Then I saw this and had to show it!

Big Bird! Any character from Sesame Street defo looks cool on tees. Trust me on this one! Everyone gets it ya know?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Plaid? yes please.

Yesssshhhh. Me like.

 Stars love plaid too. (The chick from Grey's Anatomy that everyone I hate cause her voice is annoying.)

Monday, January 10, 2011

CIARA ---> I'd like to wear HER.

Okay, so in a way i'm objectifying women with this post, but by God how I'd like to put this woman on me. I'm convinced that she's bi-sexual at the least. At this point I don't even care if she's plain ole STRAIGHT. With someone like THIS on your arm...let's just say that your nights would be very, very sleepless.  ;)

And yes, this DOES qualify as a fashion post. :P

I've been crushing on Ciara since the first day I saw her in that video "Oh" <--think that's the name. Where she's dancing down the street lookin fine as hell. hubba hubba...

I have like 3 copies of this pic on my lappy. Just look at those just imagine wrapped around cold water anyone?

Boots and Booties and Bootys.

Spotted these at! Cooooool.

These are beyond cool. Keds Champion Lugs in black and tan. The pockets on the sides are so cute. I can see myself putting a usb drive in there. And then promptly losing it. Yes indeed. And these are very nice too...

They're called "Champion Saharas". I love them. Very nice detailing indeed. Both ladies shoes found in the ladies section.  ;-)


Monday morning.  :-( <--- how I look and feel at the moment.

But THESE made me feel better! I have a few of these. Not the colors though. I barely wear them but I love to pull them out and smile at them. Or I try them on in front of the mirror and pose. <--- gotta get my cool points somehow. For aviators you need to channel your inner Tom Cruise.

Then maybe you can get yourself a girl like that. *see above* But yes. Cool things make Mondays less suicidal. :P

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tees for meeee...if there's a BlueNote store near you, then you're in luck. You can pick up one of these in a minute.

The Batman one is the favorite. They always make the batman symbol bigger in the men shirts though...wonder why? I'd love a big ole bat symbol too. In fact, I think that a lot of girls do!

Love this one. It's OVAAAA!  They need to design one with the Street Fighter characters when one of em dies then the words "K.O.! YOU LOSE!". I played that game religiously.

Cool enough me thinks. I love the next one! Partially because I use to say this a lot...

Cookie Monster was so funny to me. Probably my most favorite character on Sesame Street. :-) Anything to do with space looks cool on t-shirts. I think it's cause you're forced to think about something deep and philosophical while you stare at someone's chest/breasts. Everyone (in Nerd Girl land) wants to get nerdy, so that shirt is cool on principle.

And superman! Well, in my case super woman. :P  Always cool to have a S on your chest. (See Alicia Keys song "Super Woman" <---awesome) I have a wonder woman shirt that always gets me compliments. Wore it yesterday. These super power shirts have a way of being reeeeally comfortable after a few washes too.

I can't stop...

Pastels. Now I wish that I made the heel area white instead of blue...okay, I'm done with this Keds-design thing!

I made this one too!

This is addictive! But it's Sunday, so...

The quality of the image is so good on that website! This is super cool to me. It gets no better than designing your own sneaks. Now look at my detailing!

Black seams.
Red stiching on the seams.
Green lacing (to match side colors).
Cream colored insole...damn, I'm good.

I can do this aaaaaaall dayyyyyy. I can't though! So I won't. Other blogs to read and websites to see. :P

I made this!

This was fuuuun. So! You go to ---> once you're here, you can design your own shoes! Wicked! As you can see, I went a bit over board with the patterns. :P  But I love color! I'm gonna make some more today. I think they're cute though!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A T-shirt sure to command attention...

LOL. Funny as hell. I even put line this in my latest story the other day. Love it.

HAHA! Saw this when I Googled "Vans"

Someone has wayyyyy too much free time on their hands!

I can out-fit ya! I can out-fit ya!

So, what I'd rock any day any where and what I think you'd look cool in no matter who you are:

Yes! I DID present to you a Lakers t-shirt! What of it?! I really do like the Lakers though. Always have and probably always will. Kobe is just too good man! But if the shirt really turns you off then imagine any graphic tee there. This is usually what I wear on my down time any time. Simple. That's my thing. And I'm into plaid now! Nerd Girl = Farmer Jane. I love it though! So if it's a little chilly in the air...

Or any light jacket. Righto.

Nerd Girl

Dive right in man!

I like fashion. I realized this a long time ago. I like fashion but I don't consider myself to be "fashionable". But style has a way of moving around in time and attaching itself to whoever can catch it! I think I've caught my own version of it, so here we go!

There's gonna be sporadic postings and it's mostly gonna be pictures and images and stuff. If I find cool videos I'll throw em in there for a big ole pot of dyke fashion gumbo! And it's probably gonna be a wayyy more relaxed blog "language-wise".  :P  Coolio!

Hats are cool. I have a collection to prove just that. I love trucker hats but never wear them. Just never got around to buying one, but I love to see girls rockin' em though.

The one that actually says "cool" is wicked. haha! love it. So I'd rock these in a minute.

In my other blog  (<--- check it ouuuuut.) I mentioned my fondness for fedoras. So I won't discuss them today. (Maybe tomorrow though) I also love page/news boy hats! awesome.

This plaid is verrrry cool. It can make most hats look very cool. I have one like it but it's too far away from me to wear it. I miss my hats man! They're on another continent right now, but I have tons of memories wearing them to tide me over. Yesh indeed.

There's a store that I love, H&M. They have some of the coolest hats ever. Perfect for my head. It's like the hat designer knows me intimately. Well, the hat above is NOT from H&M, but it's cute though! I love hats like this but I prefer solid colors like green, purple...yeah, like those. But I'd rock a plaid any day. They're always a bit more girlie to me, plaid hats like this. :-)  Now the one below...a wee bit less girlie yes?

Yeshhhh! The army hat! This butches up (or down) just about any outfit. :-D  I love this hat and I had one like it before it vanished in my sister's closet. :|  But this pattern has a way of blending in with a lot of different looks. I just like to keep it simple and wear a plain colored tank or t-shirt. You can pick up one of the colors there in the hat or do your own thing and contrast baby.  ;) It'll work if you rock it. So you can do whatever when you wear this. The world is your oyster.

Hehe...this is actually in the baby section of some online store. But it's very cute! Now this one I'd rock with just about any tee I own. It's the perfect color. And the plaid is a plus. Plaid is an awesome pattern ya know?

Nerd Girl